اویس رضا قادری کراچی کے مشہور و معروف اور ہر دلعزیز نعت خواں ہیں ۔ آپ 17 اکتوبر 1969 کو میٹھا در ، کراچی میں پیدا ہوئے ۔ 8 سال کی عمر میںالحاج اشرف یوسفی سے متاثر ہوکر نعت خوانی شروع کی ۔ اویس رضا قادری کا عروج ان کی ایک عربی نعت "النبی صلوا علیہ " سے ہوا ۔ اور پھر وہ پاکستان کے صف اول کے نعت خوانوں میں شمار ہونے لگے ۔ اویس رضا قادری نے نعت خوانی کو مشن بنایا ہوا ہے ۔ ان کا ایک بہت بڑا کارنامہ یہ بھی ہے کہ انہوں نے امام احمد رضا بریلوی کی نعتیہ شاعری کو اس دلبرانہ انداز سے پیش کرنا ہے کہ ہر زبان کا نغمہ ہوگئی ۔
آڈیو البم
1983 میں پہلا البم پیش کیا ۔ آپ کے آڈیو البمز کے فہرست یہ ہے
آقا کا میلاد آیا
میں سو جاوں یا مصطفی کہتے کہتے
آیا ہے بلاوا مجھے دربار نبی سے
یا سیدی
النبی صلوا علیہ
شان والا سوہنا نبی
جشن آمد رسول
واہ کیا بات اس مہینے کی
سرکار کا مدینہ [1] 2014
2007 بہترین نعت خواں ایوارڈ
2008 برکاتی فاونڈیشن نے چاندی سے تولا

AlHaaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri is the crownless king of present day Sana Khawans around the world and undoubtedly the most heartily loved, popular and legend of Sana Khawans, known for his melodious voice and unique style of expressing his great love and respect with the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad . He emerged with a revolutionary voice and unique style with a zeal to surpass his own targets and a performer par excellence. Today he is an ideal for millions of Ushaqan-e-Rasool across the globe. He is a legend at the age of 38, and the journey has just begun.
There are millions of Owais Raza Qadri‘s fans worldwide who deeply admire and are inspired with him. They longed to know about the personal details which are still undiscovered and how he spent his daily life, so some information was collected about his daily routine. Further information will continue to be added day by day, Insha-Allah-o-Rabb-ul Aalameen.
Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri was born on 17th October 1969 in Pakistan. He is Intermediate in academic qualifications. He has performed several Hajj and Umras, the first Umra being in 1992 while the first Hajj in 1996. Apart from Holy Places, Pakistan is Owais Qadri‘s favourite country. Among clothes, he likes Shalwar Qameez the best. Owais Qadri‘s best friends are books. According to him, the memorable moment of his life has not arrived. His favourite personality is Alahazrat, Mujaddid-e-Din-o-Millat Imam Shah Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi. His favourite dish is Bar B.Q. and favourite colors are black and white.
He rests after 8 o’clock in the morning. Each night two or three Mehfil-e-Naats were used to be attended but now onwards, there will be just one each night. He is currently working on an new album.
There are numerous wishes which have not yet been fulfilled but are confidential. Bulbul-e-Madinah plans to open a Naat Academy very soon, Insha-Allah-o-Rabb-ul Aalameen.
Owais Raza Qadri was married in 1994 and has four children: two daughters and two sons named Mohammad Anees Raza and Mohammad Afeef Raza.
He started reciting naats at the age of 8 only. He was inspired by AlHaaj Yousuf Ashrafi (late) who was his ideal Naat Khawan also. He did not take special naat classes but acquired the companionship of good, pious “Ushaqaan-e-Rasool”. All naats are his favorites. Reciting the Kalaam of Imam-e-Ahle-sunnat, Alahazrat Shah Ahmed Raza Khan Sahib Barelvi is most liked by Owais Raza Qadri. His first album was released in 1983 and after that numerous albums have been released.
He has traveled to many countries of the world spreading the message of Islam and love for the Holy Prophet including England, Dubai, Iraq, Iran, India, Hijaz-e-Muqaddas South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, Syria etc.
Owais Qadri’s services for the promotion of naats were recently acknowledged by the Government of Pakistan when he was given the award of Best Naat Khawan in 2007. As a token of respect, he was also weighed in silver by Barkati Foundation in 2008.
There are no formalities for the bookings of Mehfil-e-Naat, however, privilege is given to areas where something could be done to promote Islam.
Regarding his future plans, Owais Qadri states that he will continue reciting naats and work for getting people back to the path of Sala’at-o-Sunnat. Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri advises new naat khawans that Naat Khawani is Ibaadat and before reciting any naat essential knowledge should be collected about it and special care should be taken to ensure that it is not objectionable by Islamic Shariah. It is best to check all naats with a learned scholar. Furthermore, they should restrain from such acts which can be criticized by others. They should be true and practical Muslims, i.e. not that talking about love for the Holy Prophet  and murdering the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet by shaving off the beard and not showing regularity in daily prayers.Â
Addressing the young generation, Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri remarks that undoubtedly success lies within the fact that we must walk on the path guided to us by Allah Rabb-ul Aalameen and His Prophet , leave the way of strangers and always believe in death. Acquire adequate knowledge of Islam and recite at least one Ruku of the Holy Quran (Kanzul Iman) with translation.